May 27, 2010


"70 kilometers outside the city of Barcelona is Alt Penedes, a region long renowned for its Catalan wines. In the village of Torrelles de Foix is a plot of grape-growing land known as Terrer de Sapera. From this land comes the new wine on the block, a merlot called Merula. The name Merula translates to blackbird in Latin—mirlo, also the source of the name of the merlot grape, whose deep wines are said to resemble the color of blackbird feathers.

We designed the label, capsule, and a six-bottle case for Merula. As it’s a new winery producing a grape not typical in Alt Penedes, we opted for a non-traditional approach. Building on the name Merula, we worked with illustrator Miguel OrdoƱez to create friendly blackbird."

Agency: Base
Country: USA


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