Aug 19, 2010

Granny’s Secret - Home made country ketchup

"Serbian food company Foodland manufactured an excellent new product within its famous brand “Bakina Tajna” (Granny’s Secret) - home made country ketchup. Foodland’s production plant is situated at the foot of mountain Kopaonik, in a nearby and ecologically clean, uncontaminated environment of BRUS municipality, village Kobilje. PGS designed the label for ketchup. It is the first in the line of designed products and it announced the re-branding of Granny’s Secret old packaging design, which shall soon be replaced by the new one."

Via Peter Gregson Blog


  1. There are years that ask questions and years that answer.

  2. Perkataan terima kasih memang berkesan gampang untuk disampaikan, tapi kapan akhir kali Anda mengucapkan terima kasih ke orang-tua Anda? Perkataan terima kasih, sesimpel apa saja itu, akan memberi kesenangan tertentu pada orang-tua Anda karena mereka berasa dipandang. Karena itu, mulai lakukan berterima kasih ke orangtua Anda.
